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HomeGuidesWhat does Instagram Handle mean?

What does Instagram Handle mean?

Almost every person on the planet knows what Instagram is. However, there are still some things most people don’t know about this social media. One such thing is Instagram Handle.

Most people face Instagram Handle when they try to create an Instagram account. When you create a new profile, you will be asked to generate your own Instagram Handle. In simple terms, it’s just your exclusive profile username.

Usernames on social networks are often hidden. But it’s a little different with Instagram. All users see them, and your Handle is used to find your profile on Instagram.

So let’s take a closer look at how it works.

What is Instagram Handle?

Every Instagram account has its own unique Handle. As I said before, this is the same as the Instagram username. Yes, that’s what you see at the top when visiting someone’s profile. Here’s what it usually looks like.

Creating an Instagram Handle means creating a unique username. It must not violate Instagram’s terms and conditions. For example, it cannot be offensive.

However, if we’re talking about what you can use as your Instagram Handle, there are some standard options. For example, it can be your real name, an alias, or something that describes your personality or business online.

For example, you can make an anagram of your first and last name or come up with something that has nothing to do with you but maybe just sounds and looks cool.

You can also change your Instagram username twice. But on the third and following times, you’ll have to wait 14 days before changing it again.

How to create a good Instagram Handle

Honestly, if you only create an Instagram account for personal use, the general look of your Instagram Handle (username) doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you can easily remember it, as you will need it to log into your Instagram account. In that case, your Instagram username can be anything: your name, your alter ego, your alias, or anything else.

However, it’s pretty different if you plan to create an account, for example, to grow your business, run your blog, or promote yourself as a musician.

In that case, something like bob3278559 won’t work for you. The best thing to do would be to create something more memorable. For example, you can use your pseudonym or a combination of your first name (or your full first and last name). This will help others find you through searches and sign up for you.

In the case of a business, the best option is to give your Instagram account the same name (or as close to it as possible) as your restaurant or advertising agency, for example. What’s more, you use prefixes like “real”, “official”, “this_is”, etc.

Choosing an inappropriate Instagram Handle can significantly reduce the conversion rate of your followers and views. I think you know what I mean.

What are the basic rules for creating an Instagram Handle?

There are some rules I suggest you follow when creating a username on Instagram:

  • Don’t change your Instagram Handle after you create it. This can affect your brand awareness.
  • Choose a simple username. Don’t make it longer than 12 characters (the exception is when your brand’s name is longer than that). However, remember that the limit is 30 characters.
  • Try to avoid complex spelling.
  • Try to avoid dots and underlines.
  • Make your Instagram Handle memorable.
  • Try to use the same username on all social networks.

Actually, there are also two patterns of how you can create your Instagram Handle.

Creating Instagram Handle from scratch

You have two options when you start your media presence on Instagram. The first is that you are just beginning to build your brand. In this case, your best bet is to start by choosing a brand and aim for a memorable brand that is free on social media.

Accordingly, follow the tips above to come up with a name. But remember that it should meet three trivial things: easy to remember, easy to spell, and aesthetically appealing.

If you’re building your brand from scratch, you shouldn’t only have an Instagram account. You can create a website and have accounts on other social networks, like TikTok and Facebook.

Creating Instagram Handle for an existing brand

If you already have a brand for your business and it is already familiar to a particular circle of consumers, in that case, you have nothing to do but register it on Instagram and other social networks.

And if your account name is busy, try adding an underscore or a dot in the middle of your username. It’s also a good idea to use the word “official” at the end (you can also use a dot or underscore).

How to change your Instagram handle

If you want to change your Instagram handle, you can follow these steps:

  • First, open Instagram on your mobile device and sign in to your account if needed.
  • Then go to your profile page and tap on the Edit Profile button.
  • After that, change your Instagram Handle in the Username field.
  • Finally, tap Done.

Once you have completed these steps, you will see the new username in your Instagram profile. However, now you need to remember your new username to log in to your account. You won’t be able to do it with the old one.



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