The opportunity to share your opinions and thoughts with friends or the general public is one of the main attractions of social media. Facebook makes it easy to share posts with your opinions or just some information with others.
What do you need to make a post shareable on Facebook
In today’s media and Internet space, information travels at the speed of light. No sooner has any event taken place than you can immediately observe the appearance of headlines on various Internet resources. The same applies to Facebook.
If you have made a post on your Facebook page, it will be able to be reposted by anyone who sees it. And as many people as possible will know about the event you had or the information you’re trying to share.
Sometimes users wish some information could go beyond their profiles and their Facebook pages. So that anyone can repost. The social network gives you the opportunity to make it possible for your post to be shared.
Well, here’s how to make a post shareable on Facebook.
What are the privacy options for Facebook posts
On social media, it’s common to share what you like with your friends. On Facebook, people can share other users’ posts on their timelines. However, it all depends on the privacy settings that the author has set for his message.
Facebook offers its users different privacy options. Every time you post something, you might have seen the “Edit Audience” option. This is the default option that allows you to control who can see your Facebook posts and who can’t.
The following post privacy options are currently available on the Facebook platform:
- Public.
- Public posts are available to anyone on the Web.
- It doesn’t matter if the person has a Facebook account or not.
- Friends.
- Only people who are on your friends list will be able to see your publications.
- Friends Except.
- This option allows you to select the friends you want to exclude from the audience list.
- Specific Friends.
- Only those of your selected friends will be able to view and participate in the post.
- Only Me.
- No one but you can see your post.
- Custom.
- This option is a mix of the “Friends Except” option and the “Specific Friends” option.
- The author of a post can include and exclude friends from his or her list of friends.
How to make your Facebook post shareable using a smartphone app
If you want to make your Facebook post shareable using your a smartphone app, you have to follow these steps:
- First of all, sign in to your Facebook account and go to the post you want to make shareable.
- Then, tap on the “three dots” icon located in the top-right corner of the post box.

- After that, choose the “Edit Privacy” option from the list.

- Finally, select “Public” from the list of available options.

Once you have changed the setting to “Public”, any Facebook user will be able to view the post and share it on their timeline.
How to make your Facebook post shareable on the Facebook website
If you want to make your Facebook post shareable on the Facebook website, you have to follow these steps:
- First of all, sign in to your Facebook account and go to the post you want to make public.
- Tap on the “three dots” icon located in the top-right corner of the post box.
- After that, choose the “Edit Audience” option from the list.

- Select “Public” from the list of available options to make the post available for sharing.

Once you have changed the setting to “Public”, any Facebook user will be able to view the post and share it on their timeline.
What happens if your profile is blocked
If your profile is blocked, your presence among friends outside of Facebook will be limited and your messages cannot be made public. You will have to disable the profile lock feature if you want your messages to be visible to everyone.
To disable profile locking, first go to Settings in the Facebook app on your mobile device. Then select Profile Lock from the Privacy Settings menu, and then tap the Unlock button to unlock it. You’ll notice that the lock icon displayed next to your profile will disappear.
Once you unlock your profile, you’ll have the option to change the privacy of all your messages. You can use the instructions above to change your profile privacy settings.
These are just a few things you should know about making posts shareable on Facebook. It’s pretty standard procedure, and you don’t have to worry about a complicated set of options to change your privacy settings.
How does Facebook’s algorithm work now
The essence of Facebook’s algorithm is that it controls the formation of the news feed so that it most closely matches user requests. Instead of displaying content in chronological order, news feeds and ads are published based on what Facebook deems relevant to you as a user.
Facebook’s fight against “fake news” and misleading content has widespread media coverage. It probably does not affect brands directly, but it clearly emphasizes the importance of trust and transparency on the platform. Since any content that was perceived as overly controversial or spammy could quickly fall under penalties.