Many people prefer texting over calling because it is faster and more convenient. Additionally, a text message does not interrupt the recipient at an inconvenient time—they can read it whenever it suits them.

Modern messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are gradually replacing SMS, but standard text messaging via a mobile carrier is still available on all devices and remains widely used.

What Is a Group Message?

A group message is a text sent to multiple recipients at once. It is useful for communicating with friends, colleagues, and family, as well as for business communication and marketing campaigns. For example, teachers can share learning materials, event organizers can send invitations, and stores can notify customers about promotions and discounts.

How to Add a Contact to a Group Chat

On iPhone

  1. Open the Messages app.
  2. Select an existing conversation or create a new one.
  3. Tap the “+” icon and add recipients.
  4. Confirm by tapping “Done”.

On Android

  1. Open the Messages app.
  2. Select an existing chat or create a new one.
  3. Tap the three dots or the chat name.
  4. Select “Add participants”, choose the desired contacts, and tap “Add”.

After completing these steps, you can send messages to everyone in the group.


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