Here’s how to get an alert when iPhone is fully charged


That’s inconvenient to check whether the iPhone is fully charged or not, so it would always be better to get an alert when it’s 100%. However, there’s no such function in your iPhone by default, but you can add it with Shortcuts.

For this, you will need to create a new shortcut automation and configure it. Here’s how.

How to get a notification when iPhone is fully charged

Well, in shortcuts, you can use a lot of schemes to trigger actions when you do something. Like a cascade of actions, the shortcuts allow you to program them.

And now, we will create a shortcut to vibrate when your phone is fully charged.

Here’s what to do:

  • Open Shortcuts and go to Automation.
  • Click + in the top-left corner to add a new one.
  • Tap on Create Personal Automation and find a Battery Life in the list.
  • The Battery Life is a parameter when the shortcut is activated.
  • Move the slider to make it 100%. The shortcut would be triggered when the battery was fully charged.

Now, you have a condition for the action, and you need to select an action that takes place after the condition is met:

  • Tap on Add Action
  • Scroll down to find the action that will happen when the battery is fully charged.
  • You can choose Vibrate Device and Play Sound.
  • Toggle off Ask before running.
  • Toggle on Notify When Run.

Here’s how the automation looks.

Now, my iPhone will vibrate each time when it’s fully charged.


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