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HomeFeatures4chan captcha is a joke

4chan captcha is a joke

Hahaha, I can’t handle it. Nah, I tried like 7 times, and I simply can’t guess it. That looks not like a captcha but a guess-what game.

And yeah, I’ve used the slider and tried to align it the best way I could. I still can’t get through it.

I’m dying from cringe, I can’t post….

Just look at this:

And yeah, I started taking screenshots only on my 10th attempt. Finally, I got this:

Yeah, that’s VYWDSY! And I got my post posted.

The funny is that there’s a thread on Reddit back in 2021 about this captcha. And it’s still with us in 2023.

And you can bypass it with a 4chan pass. Only $20 per year, $1.67 per month, like a bottle of soda. Nah, thanks; I will make millions of tries instead.

Okay, let’s try more:

Maybe that’s XXAAW?

Wrong. You wasted one minute of your life; try again.

Why there’s no “I give up, show me next” button?

I thought that was 4TDMLX; I was wrong…

Wrong once again.

I surrender.

Well, the captcha is funny but extremely hard to use; that’s really sometimes impossible.



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