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HomeGuidesHow to turn on subtitles on Sony TV

How to turn on subtitles on Sony TV

If you have a Sony TV and you want to enable subtitles, it can be done quite easily. First, you need to go to Settings on your Sony TV with the Google TV (Android TV) operating system. There, you have to go to the System section and then find the System section. There, you will find the Captions option.

If you need to enable subtitles for a movie that is played from a USB flash drive, you can do it using the “i+” button on your remote. Press it to open playback, then press the green button to activate subtitles. It’s also worth noting that subtitles are activated differently on some older Sony TVs. You can find detailed instructions below in the corresponding section.

Let’s understand how it works in detail and with images.

How to enable subtitles on Sony TV with Google TV

To turn on subtitles on most Sony TVs, you need to find the SUBTITLE (CC) button on your remote control (usually, it looks like a button with several dots on it). This will also help you enable subtitles for the TV signal and in some applications or external devices.

In addition to using the dedicated button, you can also activate subtitles through the settings. The newest Sony TVs have the Google TV operating system. To enable subtitles on it you need to:

  • Press your remote’s “Home” button to access the home menu.
  • Navigate to “Settings” at the top-right corner using the arrow keys and select it.
  • Here find and select “System
  • Enter the “Accessibility” menu.
  • Choose “Captions” to access subtitle settings.
  • Enable subtitles by toggling the switch to “On” next to “Display.”

Enabling subtitles on your Sony TV is a quick and simple process. Follow these steps to enhance your viewing experience, enjoy content in multiple languages, or assist those with hearing impairments.

How to enable subtitles on Sony TV with Android TV

If you have an older Sony TV with Android TV (which is an older version of Google TV), you can also enable subtitles using similar steps. To do this, you need to:

  • Make sure the Sony TV remote control is at hand.
  • Hit the “HOME” button on the remote, bringing you to the main menu of your Sony Android TV.
  • Head to the top-right and tap on the gear-like “Settings” symbol.
  • In the settings menu, navigate until you spot “Device Preferences” and select it.
  • Under “Device Preferences”, search for and choose “Accessibility”.
  • Within “Accessibility,” locate “Captions” and turn it to “ON”.

Here, you also have the choice to modify the captions to your preference, including their appearance and layout. After following these steps, subtitles will be active for your Sony Android TV content. To deactivate subtitles repeat all the spets and disable captions at the end.

How to enable subtitles on other Sony TV

In case you have a Sony TV without an Android TV, there are two ways to enable subtitles. It depends on the specific model of your Sony TV and the region where your Sony TV is sold. If the first way doesn’t work for you, it means you need to go to the second way:

Method one:

  • On your Sony TV, press the Home button.
  • Then select “Settings” from the list that appears at the bottom.
  • You need to find and select the item “Digital Set-up.” it should be marked with an icon similar to the TV.
  • Select the “Subtitle Set-up” option.
  • You must select the subtitle language and either “Basic” or “For Hard Of Hearing” to start the subtitles.

Method two:

  • Locate and press the Menu button on your Sony remote.
  • Then select “Settings” and “Preferences” in the list that appears.
  • The settings menu will open in front of you. Scroll down until you find “Setup” and select it.
  • In the next list, find and select “Closed Captions“.
  • Switch the “Closed Captions” from off to on.

After that, your TV shows will start to display subtitles. Of course, the signal that comes to your Sony TV must be capable of displaying subtitles. Also, remember that in this way, you can only enable subtitles for the antenna input.

How to enable subtitles in USB movies on Sony TV

In case you are watching the movie from an external USB drive, the instructions will be slightly different. To enable subtitles in this case, you need to:

  • Turn on the movie on Sony TV from the USB drive.
  • Press the “i+” button on your remote, as shown in the picture below.
  • After that, you will see playback tools on the screen.
  • Press the green button on your remote to open the subtitle menu. You can find it with the picture below.

If the file you played supports subtitles and they are attached to it on the USB flash drive, you will see a message with the name of the subtitle files, and they will start to be displayed on the screen. You can also disable subtitles using this green button.

How to enable subtitles in third-party apps on Sony TV

To enable subtitles within third-party applications on your Sony TV, the procedure typically begins with accessing the playback options once the content is playing. However, the exact location of the subtitle settings often varies based on the application in use.

For instance, within the Netflix application, once content is streaming, an “Audio & Subtitles” option will be displayed on the screen. By selecting this, you can adjust the subtitle language and customize other related settings. It’s essential to note that each application may have unique navigation paths and menus. Therefore, it’s beneficial to consult the app-specific guidance or user manual for detailed instructions.

What are the differences between subtitles and Closed Captions (For hard-of-hearing of hearing subtitles)

Subtitles and closed captions are textual representations of the spoken dialogue and audio elements in videos or TV shows. Although they serve similar purposes, the two have key differences, particularly in terms of their intended audience and the level of information they provide.

Subtitles primarily serve the purpose of translating dialogue from one language to another. They are commonly used when watching foreign language content or for viewers who prefer to watch a video in a different language. Subtitles focus on providing a textual representation of the spoken words, ensuring that viewers can understand the dialogue and follow the storyline accurately. While subtitles can be helpful to viewers with hearing impairments to some extent, they may not provide additional information about non-dialogue audio elements, making them less suitable for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

On the other hand, closed captions are specifically designed to make videos accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. In addition to translating dialogue, closed captions provide a comprehensive textual representation of non-dialogue audio elements, such as sound effects, music, speaker identification, and other relevant audio cues. By including all audio elements, closed captions ensure that viewers who may not hear or have difficulty hearing certain sounds can still follow the content accurately. They are crucial for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing individuals, as they provide a complete textual representation of all audio elements in the video, thus offering an inclusive viewing experience.



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