I don’t know what about the US but in Ukraine, the buzzed head is an upcoming trend. It’s the hairstyle that screams, “I’m bold, I’m brave, and I’m ready for anything!” But let’s be real; not everyone can pull off the Jason Statham or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson look.
The one thing to know – is that it’s not a style that will match every person and every face type. So if you’re unsure, that’s better to check beforehand how you would look with this haircut.
But how? Well, technology offers many ways to see this: the simplest one is to try a filter on different apps. Of course, they’re not so great at making you 100%-precise image, but that’s at least a starting point to see yourself with that new haircut.
Here are the ways to see how you would look with a buzzed head.
Not all buzzed heads are equal
Buzzed head sounds simple, but there are too many variations around. Maybe you want to shave your hair completely? Or just make it too short, like number 1 buzz? Or do you want to leave short hair, like number 4? There are too many variants to choose from. And you can even combine different buzzes to make you look a little more fancy. Like shave with buzz number 4 on top, but make a bald side.
Of course, you can try all of them in real life. That’s not a long-hair cut when you need to wait a year to grow your hair. For example, I have long hair now, and it took like 1.5 years to let them grow. The buzzed head is simpler; you can even make it bald and then wait around 2-3 weeks until the hair grows back.
But I don’t like spending a couple of weeks with a haircut that won’t fit my face. And I don’t advise you to buzz your head without double-thinking whether it’s worth a buzz. If you’re just curious how you would look with such a haircut, the best way is to use a filter or an app (that’s the same filters, by the way, but sometimes they’re of better quality). And there are a lot of options to choose from.
Will pictures from the internet or barbershop help you? No, they won’t. Our faces are too different. Of course, we can classify them in some way: rounded, oval, triangle, and so on. But that doesn’t work this way in real life. If your face isn’t like Yesenin’s (that’s a Russian poet, btw), you’re probably not going to fit any of these classifications.
Here’s an example:

Looks simple and easy to classify. For this guy, that will work:

He has, probably, a round face if we rely on such classification (or maybe oval, I can’t classify, to be fair). But try to make such a classification for your face, and that would probably be a little bit challenging.
I mean, don’t rely on these posters with different face types and different haircuts, or you have all chances to finish watching in a mirror thinking, “Oh, this haircut looks bad on my head.”
But will apps or filters help? Well, at least they will use your face to show you what it looks like. Of course, usually, filters are creepy and inaccurate, but that’s any way better than relying on how the haircut looks on another person.
What are apps to see how the buzzed head will fit you?
There’s a lot of them in the App Store or Google Play. You can just enter “Bald” in the search field and choose any of them. Here’s what I tried:
- Your Bald Head (iOS)
The good news: it’s free. The bad news is that there’s no way to download your buzzed head without your original photo, so there is no way to prank someone. Taking into account, I have long hair that reaches my shoulders, it hasn’t removed all of it, so I’m bald but with some hair remnants left lying on my shoulders. But in terms of showing your overall look, it works great.
And here’s a page with the most popular photos to see what other people look like. I don’t know how it determines which of them are popular and whether that means that when you’re uploading a photo to the app (or taking a new one), there’s a chance you would be featured on their main page. So if you don’t want to gain attention and be featured, that’s better not to use it. If you’re okay with that, then it would be enough to see yourself with a bald head.

And there’s no way to adjust the filter; it will show you with the bald head (number 0), no way to test other buzzed hairstyles.
- BaldBooth (iOS)
Great app that shows how you will look when bald. But for some reason, it doesn’t make you completely bald, leaving all the hair on the sides. So you look not like with a bald haircut, but like you’re baldhead. But you can try it, that’s free.
- Bald Head Photo Booth (iOS)
A funny app to play with different layers, but not what we’re looking for. It doesn’t use any filter to make you bald or with a buzzed hairstyle but offers you presets you can use and then move until it fits your head. Funny, of course, but if you want to see how you would like, that won’t work.
As written in one of the reviews: a haircut looks like a helmet, not like proper hair. That’s true, hah. And the rating is 1.2/5 on App Store, which seems like a disaster. Probably that’s because the app gives you not what you were expecting. I was surprised when I opened it and realized how it works. But, once again, the app is funny enough, but not for our intent. At least, its free, so you don’t pay before you realize something is going the wrong way.
The great one and I like it, but it costs money to use the bald head style. So if you aren’t ready to pay some money, then you need to find something else.

But the app is good; I’ve used it when there were more different filters available for free and even subscribed to them to try different hairstyles and other filters, so if you have some extra money, this app will be worth it. There are not only different hairstyles but a lot of other filters as well, like age, gender, and so on. Great app if you’re curious enough.
They’re trying to make you subscribe even before you open the app. That’s sad, and that’s bad. There is a cross at the top left, but it’s hard to notice. And the subscribe button is everywhere.

They want you to pay; there are fewer filters than with FaceApp (and only one of them is free; bald is for premium subscribers only), and I don’t recommend them. If you’re looking for where to spend some money, you better subscribe to FaceApp.
As you see, not many apps will give you a way of how you will look with a buzzed or bald head. The best one is FaceApp, but it requires a subscription. Among free apps, the best one is Your Bald Head. It’s even quite accurate enough. If you have long hair, it would probably leave some remnants, but at least the overall picture looks like something close to your real shape.
Try TikTok, Snapchat, or Instagram
You can try them, but everything I’ve tried looks unnatural and creepy enough. Okay, to have some fun, not okay if you want to see what you would look like with a buzzed head. So if you want to try them and make a decision about your haircut, that’s probably the worst thing you can do.
They usually work the same way as the helmet, but it sticks to the top of your head. So the result would be funny but not useful.
Can you do this with ChatGPT?
I tried several images, but ChatGPT Code Interpreter seems not to be able to do this. For some reason, it just smoothed the region over my head, but there’s nothing even to be close to the bald head.
Ask your barber
Maybe the right way is to ask a barber for advice. But that’s the lottery; if the barber is professional enough, they can deliver you some advice and help you decide whether such a haircut will fit you. But once again, that’s all about your barber proficiency. so they can advise you on this haircut even in case it won’t fit you.
But you can always try to visualize the buzzed head in your imagination.
Close your eyes. Imagine yourself with that buzz cut. How do you feel? If you’re good with visualization, this can give you a pretty accurate sense of whether you’ll love or regret the decision.
But that depends on your level of imagination, so if you have a bad one, you better don’t trust it.