The LG dryer serial number, like other LG appliances, contains information about the date of manufacture. Typically, LG does not provide the date of manufacture in a convenient, easy-to-read format. The reason for this is quite simple: large appliances are sold for a long time, and from production to sale can take a long time, so why upset the buyer? Imagine you bought a dryer in March 2024, it was delivered to you, and you look at the sticker, and it says that the production date is November 2022, so ignorance of the information – the best defense. But here’s how you can find out the production date from the serial number.
LG dryer serial number structure
The LG dryer serial number consists of 12 digits and includes three blocks of information.

- Production date (year, month)
- Code of the factory where the dryer was assembled
- A unique number of the dryer itself (this number contains information about the production line where the dryer was assembled and its number.
The serial number is necessary for the buyer to register the product on the LG website, as well as for the service centers to control the quality of the product; the serial number allows LG to determine in which factory, on which line and in which shift the dryer was assembled.
LG dryer serial number decoding
If you need to know the production date, look for the serial number and the first three digits: the first digit is the year and the second two digits are the month. LG’s production date is cyclical, with a cycle of 10 years. Here’s how to decode the dryer serial number 012KWLR1V632.

- 0 – is the year, the order of repetition after ten years.
- 0 – 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030
- 1 – 2001, 2011, 2021, 2031
- 2 – 2002, 2012, 2022, 2032
- 3 – 2003, 2013, 2023, 2033
- 4 – 2004, 2014, 2024, 2034
- 5 – 2005, 2015, 2025, 2035
- 6 – 2006, 2016, 2026, 2036
- 7 – 2007, 2017, 2027, 2037
- 8 – 2008, 2018, 2028, 2038
- 9 – 2009, 2019, 2029, 2039
- 12 – months, two digits are used
- 01 – December
- 02 – February
- 03 – March
- 04 – April
- 05 – May
- 06 – June
- 07 – July
- 08 – August
- 09 – September
- 10 – October
- 11 – November
- 12 – December
- KW – factory code.
- TN – US
- MM – Mexico
- MX – Mexico
- KW – Korea
- PW – Poland
- RA – Russia
- RW – Russia
- PN – China
- LR1V632 is a unique number; it contains information about the assembly line and the dryer number.
How to determine the exact production date of an LG dryer (ten-year cycle)
Let’s look at the sticker of the dryer, code date 012 (012KWLR1V632), this means that the dryer was manufactured in December 2020 or 2010, the year 2000 is also possible.

Now, we need to determine the period during which this model was produced; for this, we need to do the following:
Visit the LG website, a reliable source, or any other resource to download information about this DLEC888W dryer model. For instance, I found a document with technical specifications on the LG website. Upon opening this document, I discovered it was printed in June 2016. This indicates that the dryer model was first produced in 2016. Consequently, the production date of this specific dryer is December 2020.

Manuals often omitted dates. In such cases, you can rely on online reviews to deduce the production date.
If you know the serial number and model number, another possible option is to contact support. They can also provide you with this information if it is available, which is not always possible.